Notice Of Special Meeting of Shareholders of Horn Silver Mines, Inc.

The Board of Directors has mailed all registered shareholders company information enclosed with a proxy card. There are important issues outlined in the proxy statement that require your immediate attention and approval. These issues are discussed in detail in the provided proxy materials.

Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote your shares.

If you opt to vote by Internet, you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card. Please see the reverse of the mailed proxy card for online voting instructions. Only those who received a mailed proxy with a corresponding control number are eligible to vote by internet or mail.

If you plan to vote by mail, please mark the appropriate box on the proxy card to indicate how your shares will be voted. Then, sign the card and return your proxy vote in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Your vote must be received 2 days prior to the Special Meeting of Shareholders on January 10, 2025.

Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration of this matter.

Please note: If you are unable to locate your control number for online voting, please contact the transfer agent, Pacific Transfer.

Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
702-361-3033 ext.110
6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

Notice is hereby given that a special meeting (the “Meeting” or the “Special Meeting”) of the shareholders of common shares (the “Shareholders”) of Horn Silver Mines, Inc. (the “Company” or “Horn Silver”) will be held January 10, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. (Mountain Time) for the following purposes:

  1. elect three directors for the Company for the ensuing year;

  2. ratify, approve, and confirm the actions taken and business transacted by the Board of Directors and officers of the Company;

  3. authorize the Board of Directors, if necessary, to appoint an audit firm of the Company and authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration for an audit;

  4. ratify the sale of 240 patented mining claims owned by the Company, on the terms and conditions negotiated by the Board of Directors;

  5. authorize and direct the Board of Directors and the Officers, under the direction of the Board of Directors to wind down and discontinue the operations of the business of the Company, sell the assets and distribute the cash by payment of a dividend or other distribution and/or merge or be acquired by another company; and, transact such other business as may properly be brought before the Meeting.

The proxy statement (the “Proxy Statement”) provides additional information relating to the matters to be dealt with at the Meeting, including instructions for the Meeting, and forms a part of this Notice of Meeting. The board of directors of the Company has fixed November 22, 2024, as the record date for the Meeting. Shareholders of record at the close of business on this date are entitled to notice of the Meeting and to vote thereat or at any adjournment or postponement thereof.

How to Vote:

As a registered Shareholder you can vote in three ways:

  1. Attend the Shareholder Meeting and vote in person,

  2. Fill in the Proxy Card that accompanies this Notice of Shareholder Meeting and mail it to:
    Pacific Stock Transfer Company Proxy Department
    6725 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  3. Vote by logging in to the website on the Proxy Card and using the “Control Number” on your Proxy Card to vote over the internet.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please reach out to Pacific Stock Transfer to verify you are included on the registered shareholder list and provide all up to date contact and mailing information to them.

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    Direct: 702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  • Only mailed proxies distributed directly by Pacific will have a control number that allows for online voting. Please verify you have received a mailed version of the proxy. If you have not, please contact Pacific with questions.

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via
    Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  • Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote your shares and your vote must be received 2 days prior to the Special Meeting of Shareholders on January 10, 2025.

  • You will need to contact Pacific Stock Transfer to verify your shareholder status and provide updated information with them.

    In order to be eligible to vote, a shareholder needs to be a shareholder of record with Pacific Stock Transfer on the "Record Date." 

    The shareholder list is maintained by Pacific Stock Transfer. Proxies were distributed to shareholders on the shareholder list by the transfer agent list to the last known address. 

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via
    Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  • All updates to mailing addresses, names on record, amount of shares, and more must be updated directly with Pacific Stock Transfer.

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via
    Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119


Results of the Special Meeting of Shareholders


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