Catherine Foster Catherine Foster

Results of the Special Meeting of Shareholders

Horn Silver Mines, Inc. conducted a Special Shareholders Meeting on January 10, 2025. At the meeting shareholders overwhelmingly approved the following:

  1. Election of the directors

  2. Approval of the actions taken by the Board of Director

  3. Authorization to appoint an auditing firm

  4. Ratify a proposal to sell 240 Mining Claims owned by the Company

  5. Discontinue and wind down the corporation and distribute the proceeds to the shareholders

  6. Transact such other business brought before the meeting.


Mining Claims

The primary asset of Horn Silver Mines, Inc. is a collection of 240 patented mining claims located in Beaver County, Utah. The county assessor lists the assessed value of these claims at approximately $1,000,000.

Although contiguous, the mining claims are divided into three groups: the Cactus Group, the Horn Silver Group, and the Marble Group.

The Cactus Group

The Cactus Mine was discovered in 1870. Mining was conducted between 1916 and 1956. The primary minerals produced were copper, silver, gold and lead, with historical production of $3,534,876 (nominal). Since this figure has not been adjusted for inflation, the adjusted value of the production would be considerably higher. Recent exploration has identified a number of prospective areas for future development.

The Cactus Group is subject to a Mining Lease and Option agreement with Volantis Resources. The rights and obligations under this agreement are held by Hawk Resources Limited by virtue of its ownership of Volantis Resources. This agreement provides for an annual lease payment of $100,000 and contains an option to purchase the Cactus claims for between $4,000,000 and $6,000,000.


The Horn Silver Group

The Horn Silver Mine was discovered in 1875. For decades, it was one of the largest producers of silver in the world with some of the ore containing 70 to 200 ounces of silver per ton. In today’s dollars, production from the Horn Silver Mine exceeded several hundred million dollars. More information about the history of the mine can be found at

The Horn Silver Group is subject to a Mining Lease and Option agreement between Horn Silver and Antler Resources LLC, a subsidiary of the Australian exploration company Opal Resources The purchase option in this agreement grants Antler the right to purchase the Horn Silver group of claims for $2,000,000. The option period under this agreement runs until June 30th, 2025, with an option to extend the option period for an additional six months. The purchase is dependent on completion of financing by Opal Resources.

The Marble Group

There are a smaller number of claims under lease to Great American Resources. Great American operates a quarry on these claims to produce limestone used for landscaping rock. This lease generates $12,000 per year in minimum royalty payments. There is no purchase option in this lease agreement. 

More information about these deposits and their potential is available on Horn Silver’s website (


Liquidation Considerations

Horn Silver Mines currently has approximately $750,000 in cash, or about $0.10 per share.  

The only significant source of income for the Company is from lease payments made by the third-party exploration companies described above. These funds are insufficient to conduct meaningful exploration on the claims, or to seek property acquisitions.  

Having received approval from the stockholders for the liquidation its assets and dissolution of the Company, the board of directors will begin by declaring an appropriate dividend to be distributed. This dividend will constitute a significant portion of Horn Silver’s cash, but will leave an allowance for operating costs, property taxes, shareholder communications, and other likely expenses.

Sale of the mining properties present several issues. The market for assets of this type is thin and the claims are encumbered by agreements with third parties. As a result, there is considerable uncertainty about when and if they can be converted to cash for distribution to the shareholders.

Other Possible Actions

Management is evaluating the possibility of a “reverse merger” that would amalgamate Horn Silver Mines, Inc. into an entity that has shares trading on a listed exchange.


Shareholder Registration

It is extremely important that shareholders update their mailing address with Pacific Stock Transfer. All communications, dividends, and other official interactions with shareholders will be based upon the official shareholder list maintained by Horn Silver’s transfer agent.

If shareholders have not provided Pacific Stock Transfer with current contact information, they should do so at their earliest convenience. Please contact:

Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent

Pacific Stock Transfer Company
6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Phone: (800) 785-7782

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Shareholder Updates Page Blakemore Shareholder Updates Page Blakemore

Notice Of Special Meeting of Shareholders of Horn Silver Mines, Inc.

The Board of Directors has mailed all registered shareholders company information enclosed with a proxy card. There are important issues outlined in the proxy statement that require your immediate attention and approval. These issues are discussed in detail in the provided proxy materials.

Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote your shares.

If you opt to vote by Internet, you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card. Please see the reverse of the mailed proxy card for online voting instructions. Only those who received a mailed proxy with a corresponding control number are eligible to vote by internet or mail.

If you plan to vote by mail, please mark the appropriate box on the proxy card to indicate how your shares will be voted. Then, sign the card and return your proxy vote in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Your vote must be received 2 days prior to the Special Meeting of Shareholders on January 10, 2025.

Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration of this matter.

Please note: If you are unable to locate your control number for online voting, please contact the transfer agent, Pacific Transfer.

Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
702-361-3033 ext.110
6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

Notice is hereby given that a special meeting (the “Meeting” or the “Special Meeting”) of the shareholders of common shares (the “Shareholders”) of Horn Silver Mines, Inc. (the “Company” or “Horn Silver”) will be held January 10, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. (Mountain Time) for the following purposes:

  1. elect three directors for the Company for the ensuing year;

  2. ratify, approve, and confirm the actions taken and business transacted by the Board of Directors and officers of the Company;

  3. authorize the Board of Directors, if necessary, to appoint an audit firm of the Company and authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration for an audit;

  4. ratify the sale of 240 patented mining claims owned by the Company, on the terms and conditions negotiated by the Board of Directors;

  5. authorize and direct the Board of Directors and the Officers, under the direction of the Board of Directors to wind down and discontinue the operations of the business of the Company, sell the assets and distribute the cash by payment of a dividend or other distribution and/or merge or be acquired by another company; and, transact such other business as may properly be brought before the Meeting.

The proxy statement (the “Proxy Statement”) provides additional information relating to the matters to be dealt with at the Meeting, including instructions for the Meeting, and forms a part of this Notice of Meeting. The board of directors of the Company has fixed November 22, 2024, as the record date for the Meeting. Shareholders of record at the close of business on this date are entitled to notice of the Meeting and to vote thereat or at any adjournment or postponement thereof.

How to Vote:

As a registered Shareholder you can vote in three ways:

  1. Attend the Shareholder Meeting and vote in person,

  2. Fill in the Proxy Card that accompanies this Notice of Shareholder Meeting and mail it to:
    Pacific Stock Transfer Company Proxy Department
    6725 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  3. Vote by logging in to the website on the Proxy Card and using the “Control Number” on your Proxy Card to vote over the internet.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please reach out to Pacific Stock Transfer to verify you are included on the registered shareholder list and provide all up to date contact and mailing information to them.

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    Direct: 702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  • Only mailed proxies distributed directly by Pacific will have a control number that allows for online voting. Please verify you have received a mailed version of the proxy. If you have not, please contact Pacific with questions.

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via
    Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  • Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote your shares and your vote must be received 2 days prior to the Special Meeting of Shareholders on January 10, 2025.

  • You will need to contact Pacific Stock Transfer to verify your shareholder status and provide updated information with them.

    In order to be eligible to vote, a shareholder needs to be a shareholder of record with Pacific Stock Transfer on the "Record Date." 

    The shareholder list is maintained by Pacific Stock Transfer. Proxies were distributed to shareholders on the shareholder list by the transfer agent list to the last known address. 

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via
    Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

  • All updates to mailing addresses, names on record, amount of shares, and more must be updated directly with Pacific Stock Transfer.

    Abigail Rodriguez - Transfer Agent
    Corporate Services Associate - Pacific Stock Transfer
    702-361-3033 ext.110
    6725 Via
    Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

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Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Annual 2021 Report

2021 Summary of Activities

Kennecott Exploration began 2021 with preparations for a 3-4 drillhole program; however, internal limitations led to the decision to postpone this work. The team refocused on reviewing and prioritizing targets across the property. In lieu of additional drilling, tightly spaced (~25m) UAV (un-crewed aerial vehicle) based magnetic and orthophoto surveys were completed covering areas including the Cactus Breccia, Accrington Skarn, and Reciprocity targets.

As a result of desktop review and the UAV magnetics survey, additional targets or areas of interest were identified and minor follow up field work was completed for some. A total of seven additional drill sites and associated trails were surveyed by Tetra Tech (archaeology) and added to KEX’s permit.

In late 2021, brief consideration was given to drilling 1-2 holes but was further postponed namely due to the situation regarding COVID-19. A 3-5 drill hole program was proposed for 2022, but only one of the targets has been approved for 2022 at this time.

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Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q4 2021

No exploration activities were conducted in the fourth quarter of 2021. A site tour and discussion of targets was provided to Kennecott Exploration’s senior leadership team. Two historic AMAX drill holes, proximal to the Copper Gulch porphyry target, were reviewed at the UGS core library. The project proposed 3-5 drill holes and surface mapping for 2022, however, as of the end of 2021, only one drill target has been approved.

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Drilling Updates Catherine Foster Drilling Updates Catherine Foster

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q2 2021

Kennecott Exploration (KEX) has completed a UAV (un-crewed aerial vehicle) magnetics and orthophoto survey over portions of the property. A few days of geologic field work were conducted to review recently identified targets of interest. The field review, along with the preliminary magnetics data, has generated several proposed drill targets that are currently being considered for further archaeological survey and permitting.

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Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q1 2021

Kennecott Exploration (KEX) has conducted field mapping and sampling over priority areas of interest including the Cu Gulch porphyry target, the Reciprocity-Accrington area porphyry target, and limited work on the Northern Carbonate (Tank) leases in Q1 2022. There has been some minor delay to planned drilling activities due to drill rig and crew availability, but the team is still planning for a small drill program in Q2 2022.

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Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q4 2020

Drilling activities continued into Q4 2020 with the completion of SAWM0008 (Cactus) and the upper portion of SAWM0009 (Reciprocity). Due to increasing cases of COVID-19, the project was ceased prior to the completion of the final drill hole but plans for 2021 include returning to SAWM0009 to take the hole to target depth.

Permitting activities of 23 additional drill sites are in progress and a proposal for 2021 drilling has been submitted to the KEX senior leadership team.

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Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Kennecott Exploration Company Exploration Activities April through November 2020

On November 18, 2020, Alderan Resources Limited announced that Rio Tinto’s subsidiary Kennecott Exploration Company (KEX) has satisfied its One Million Dollar (US$1,000,000) expenditure commitment during the third quarter of 2020.

Since April, KEX completed nine holes testing the mineral potential of the Cactus and Horn Leases. While assay results are still pending for most holes, SAWM-0011 intersected mineralised breccia from 219m to 285m with an average grade of a 66m section of 1% Cu, 0.33 g/t Au, 4.2 g/t Ag and 37 ppm Mo. This includes a higher grade interval from 252m to 285m with an average grade of 1.9% Cu, 0.65 g/t Au, 7.1 g/t Ag and 68 ppm Mo.

This information is extracted from various announcements made on Alderan’s website ( These announcements contain considerable additional detail and shareholders are encouraged to review Alderan announcements relating to this exploration program, including information included in the Quarterly Activities Reports.

Additional assay results will be announced as they become available. Field activities were completed in August 2020 and a total of 23 proposed drill sites have been submitted to the BLM and/or UDOGM for permitting.

Tetra Tech has been contracted to conduct cultural surveys for 33 proposed new drill sites and associated trails on claims subject to the Option Agreement.

Further drilling at Frisco will be subject to approval of 2021 exploration budgets by KEX.

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Drilling Updates Catherine Foster Drilling Updates Catherine Foster

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q3 2020

With encouraging results from SAWM0001, Kennecott Exploration (KEX) agreed to fund additional drilling beyond the originally planned scope for 2020. Five drill holes were completed in Q3, SAWM0003-7, with an additional hole, SAWM0008, in progress. In preparation for 2021, cultural surveys were conducted for proposed drill sites/trails and work is ongoing to permit sites.

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Rio Tinto hits 33m at 1.9% Copper and 0.65gpt Gold in Maiden Drill Hole at Cactus Canyon


This announcement was made public by Alderan Resources Limited (ASX: AL8) and highlights have been reposted. Please click here for the full announcement.



  • Maiden assays received for part of the first drill hole at Cactus Canyon Prospect, which is a first “Tier one” test of a 3km strike length mineralised Cu Au system 

  • Cu-Au mineralisation was intersected over 66m at 1% Cu, 0.33 g/t Au, 37 ppm Mo and 4.2 g/t Ag from 219m to 285m 

  • This includes a higher-grade interval of 33m at 1.9% Cu, 0.65 g/t Au, 7.1g/t Ag and 68 ppm Mo from 252m to 285m 

  • Assays ended in mineralisation with results from the remaining 92m of hole pending 

  • Drilling represents the best intersection drilled to date at the Cactus Canyon Prospect 

  • Further assay results from Rio Tinto’s program are expected later this month, with three holes of a four-hole program complete 

  • Rio Tinto is earning up to 70% interest in the Frisco Project through three stages totalling US$30 million exploration expenditure. 

Alderan Resources Limited (ASX: AL8) (Alderan or the Company) is pleased to provide initial drill results from Rio Tinto subsidiary Kennecott Exploration’s (KEX) drilling at Alderan’s Frisco copper/gold/silver project (Frisco Project) in Utah, USA, where KEX is earning up to 70% interest by spending US$30 million on exploration. 

Kennecott completed two drill holes designed to test the possible continuity of mineralisation between the Cactus and Comet Cu-Au prospects as part of the project wide, four-hole program. Cactus and Comet are part of a potentially 3-kilometre strike length mineral system within the Frisco Project, defined by historical mining, previous drilling by Alderan and airborne magnetics. 

Commenting on the maiden results, Alderan Managing Director Peter Williams said: 

“We are thrilled with the results of the first drill hole drilled by Rio Tinto a part of their exploration effort to discover a significant commercial mineralised system. This hole extends the mineralised system and hints at very high-grade copper, gold and molybdenum within the mineralised system. There seems to be an interesting relationship between gold and copper, that is maintained from the low grade (1% Cu) to the higher grade, where 1% Cu appears to contain about 0.3 g/t Au. The high-grade copper is in part massive sulphide, which may be able to be mapped out using modern EM technologies, be they borehole, surface and/or airborne. We look forward to further updates by Rio and their continued work in unlocking this potential high-grade copper system.” 

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An Update on the Rio Tinto/Kennecott Exploration Program on the Frisco System of Horn Silver Mines’ property

The directorship of Horn Silver Mines, Inc., is pleased to provide an update on the Rio Tinto/Kennecott Exploration Program on the Frisco System of Horn Silver Mines’ property.

During Q2 2020, Kennecott Exploration Company (“Kennecott”), a subsidiary of Rio Tinto plc (NYSE: RIO ASX: RIO), commenced exploration on Alderan’s Frisco copper/gold/silver project in Utah, USA. Kennecott is earning up to 70% interest through exploration expenditure on the project. 

Previously, Kennecott conducted field visits to assess ground conditions and determine logistics and safety requirements to support an initial drill program. Kennecott spent several weeks reviewing selected drill holes to understand the geology and planned an initial diamond drill program to follow up high-grade intersections at the Cactus Breccia and Accrington Skarn targets as well as deeper hole testing the Reciprocity IP Anomaly.

Kennecott and Alderan’s subsidiary, Volantis Resources Corp., worked closely with the Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining to permit near term drilling activities. A total of 15 previously permitted drill sites were removed from Volantis’ existing permits and moved into a permit under Kennecott.

During May 2020, Kennecott commenced an initial four-hole 2,000m drill program to test targets at the Cactus Breccias, Accrington Skarn and Reciprocity areas including: 

  • At the Cactus Breccias, a hole to test for possible continuity between the Cactus and Comet Breccias.

  • At Accrington Skarn, a hole to test an approximately 50m step-out from significant historic intercepts and to help determine continuity in the area.

  • At the Reciprocity target, a deeper hole is planned to test the IP anomaly where, based on Kennecott remodeling of geophysical data, a previous hole drilled by Volantis may have been terminated before reaching the anomaly depth.

Progress has been slow due to COVID-19 related protocols. RTX has now received assays from the first Cactus hole. We anticipate receiving assay results shortly. Further drilling will be dependent on the results of the initial program. This drill program forms part of the first earn-in stage for Kennecott’s option to acquire a 55% project interest in Frisco by spending a total of US$6 million of expenditure. Kennecott will earn 70% of the project by completing three stages, which will total US$30 million exploration expenditure.

For questions or further

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Shareholder Updates Page Blakemore Shareholder Updates Page Blakemore

Shareholder Update: August 2020 (Horn Silver Mines, Inc)

Salt Lake City, August 3rd, 2020

Dear Horn Silver Mines, Inc. Shareholder:
There has been a long hiatus in Horn Silver Mines, Inc. communication with shareholders and a corresponding lack of shareholder meetings.  Records indicate that the last shareholders meeting was held in March of 1997 when a new president was elected. In that meeting, an Option Agreement was approved with the understanding that it would support further development of the Company’s properties.  Little work appears to have come from this arrangement.  Subsequent to that, the management team in place at the time stopped filing necessary reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission and ceased filing annual tax returns after the 1998 tax filing.  All other shareholder communication stopped, as well.
In 2009, Horn Silver Mines, Inc. was formally delisted by a Securities and Exchange Commission administrative action for failure to file quarterly and annual reports since June of 1998. As a result of this, there currently is no market for Horn Silver Mines shares.
By 2010, concerns about performance and financial irregularities mandated a change of management.  At a board meeting in October 2010, new management was installed, with Page Blakemore Jr. as president and Woods Silleroy as vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The board has a total of three members with Mr. Randall Mackey joining Mr. Blakemore and Mr. Silleroy.
From 2010 to present, new management immediately set about trying to return the company to solid footing. Between 2010 and the present, careful stewardship of the Company’s income has resulted in an improvement in the balance sheet. Horn Silver’s cash reserves now exceeding $300,000.

In 2016, two lease and option agreements were executed between Horn Silver and Volantis Resources, a US subsidiary of Alderan Resources based in Australia. These agreements cover the Company’s patented mining claims in Beaver County, Utah. 

Starting in 2017, Volantis conducted a comprehensive exploration program that included geologic mapping, surface sampling, an airborne geophysical survey, and a comprehensive compilation of data regarding Horn Silver’s claims in the San Francisco Mining District. Volantis drilled more than 21,000 ft. of core to evaluate a number of promising geophysical targets identified by their geologic models. Despite encountering numerous significant intercepts of polymetallic mineralization during three years of exploration, no economic orebodies were defined. Shareholders are urged to monitor the Alderan website for future developments regarding this exploration program at

In November of 2019, Alderan announced an agreement with Kennecott Exploration Company (part of the Rio Tinto Group) defining a staged exploration program whereby Kennecott, at its sole discretion, may spend up to $30 million to acquire an interest in the property. Kennecott currently plans to conduct over 25,000 feet of rotary drilling during May and June of 2020. We are pleased to have an organization of this quality conducting exploration activities on Horn Silver’s mining claims. Kennecott began drilling operations in May of 2020 and currently drilling its first four-hole 6,000 foot program.

The lack of shareholder communication over the years has been a significant concern for management. Consequently, Horn Silver is attempting to establish channels that can facilitate corporate functions and ensure proper dissemination of information about the Company.  The cost of mailing annual reports and conducting annual meetings is substantial, and it is therefore essential that email contact information be kept current.

Horn Silver has established a website with information about the Company, its history, its assets, and the ongoing exploration campaign (  The website contains a feature that allows shareholders to register their contact information. Management strongly encourages shareholders to register with the Company in order to facilitate communication.

It is also important to keep shareholder address information current with the Company’s transfer agent, Pacific Stock Transfer ( Inquiries regarding share certificates, ownership, and share registration should be referred to them.

Pacific Transfer Information

Global Operations Center
6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Ste 300
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: 702-361-3033 Ext 111
Toll Free: 800-785-7782
Fax: 702-433-1979

Corporate Office & Accounting
173 Keith St, Ste 3
Warrenton, VA  20186
Phone:  571-485-9998
Fax:  540-878-5543

If any shareholder has questions, the Contact Page on our website can be used to contact management.

We look forward to receiving your contact information so that you can be kept advised of developments regarding the company.


Page Blakemore
President & Chairman of the Board
Horn Silver Mines, Inc.

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Drilling Updates Catherine Foster Drilling Updates Catherine Foster

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q2 2020

Kennecott Exploration (KEX) commenced a four-hole, ~2000m drill program to test for high grade mineralization at the Cactus Breccia and Accrington Skarn as well as a blind IP anomaly at Reciprocity. Site preparations and earthworks began on May 8th with the Boart Longyear (BLY) LF-90 arriving shortly after. As of June 30th, two drill holes have been completed at the Cactus Breccia and a third hole was started at Reciprocity. Brief geologic summaries of the drill core are being captured in Milford, UT with all core subsequently shipped back to KEX’s warehouse in Salt Lake City (SLC) for detailed core logging.

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Drilling Updates Catherine Foster Drilling Updates Catherine Foster

Sawmill Canyon (Frisco) Quarterly Report for Q1 2020

During the first quarter of 2020, the Kennecott Exploration has focused on planning for an initial diamond drill program to follow up on high grade intersections at the Cactus Breccia and Accrington Skarn targets as well as a deeper hole testing the Reciprocity IP Anomaly. Field visits have been conducted to assess ground conditions and determine requirements for logistics and safety. Kennecott Exploration geologists have completed first-pass field work to review areas of interest and ground truth existing and potential targets for future drilling activities. Several weeks were spent reviewing selected Alderan drill holes to tune the technical team into the geology of the property and begin developing Kennecott Exploration specific core logging procedures.

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Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Alderan Resources Limited has Commenced Drilling Operations on Horn Silver Mines, Inc. Properties in Beaver County, Utah

Rig on Transport 1.JPG

Salt Lake City, October 4, 2017 - Horn Silver Mines, Inc. (“Horn Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the first core drilling rig has arrived on the mining claims under lease to Alderan Resources. 

Alderan is in the final stages of the high definition Induced Polarization Survey over the entire Frisco Project (approximately 15 square miles).  IP, an abbreviation for induced polarization, is a method for detecting conductive compounds beneath the surface, which can be an important component of metallic ore bodies. This geophysical work, together with historical data and geologic mapping, has identified targets for a drilling program of up to 30,000 feet, set to begin in the next few days.

Employing a district wide evaluation, classical geologic exploration methods and modern geophysical techniques, Alderan has identified a number of exploration targets on the Company’s mining claims.

Initial drilling operations will be conducted in the Cactus Canyon Area. Cactus Canyon is a copper-gold-silver prospect within which the airborne magnetic survey and subsequent IP mapping has identified several structures that may be indicative of a porphyry copper deposit at depth. There has been historical mining in this area at the Cactus Mine, the workings of the Cactus Mine were associated with breccia zones adjacent to one of these structures.  The Cactus Canyon Area will be the focus of initial drilling to confirm the results of previous drilling activity and to correlate the data obtained from the geophysical work with core samples recovered from the current drilling program.

Horn Silver has provided a link to Alderan’s website below. Alderan’s Announcement contains further detail on the drilling program.

Horn Silver shareholders are encouraged to monitor the Alderan website for announcements of Alderan’s progress as the exploration activities are conducted and the results are reported.

Horn Silver Mines, Inc has a new transfer agent

Pacific Services Group
1 (800) 785-7782
Mon-Fri 8am-7:30pm EST


Alderan is a copper explorer with a focus on the Frisco Project, located in Utah, United States of America. The Frisco Project encompasses an area of significant historical mining activity with numerous old mines and workings across an area of approximately 7km by 4km. These include:

  • The Cactus copper-gold-silver deposit and breccia pipe, one of several mineralized breccia pipes over an area of approximately 1000 m by up to 400 m. Modelling of magnetic survey data demonstrates that these pipes are likely connected at depth;

  • The Accrington copper-zinc-silver-gold skarn, which hosts extensive mineralization across an area of 1.8 km by 1.2 km; and

  • The Horn zinc deposit, a historical lead-silver mine, which contains significant amounts of unmined high grade zinc.

Alderan believes that these three mineralized areas were formed contemporaneously with, and are genetically related to, underlying mineralized (copper-molybdenum-gold) porphyry intrusions. Work undertaken by the Alderan has confirmed the presence of a mineralized porphyry system beneath and adjacent to the Cactus breccia pipes.


Nathan Ryan
NWR Communications
+61 3 420 582 887

Christopher Wanless
Chief Executive Officer

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Shareholder Updates, Drilling Updates Page Blakemore Shareholder Updates, Drilling Updates Page Blakemore

Horn Silver Mines, Inc. Announces Executed Lease and Option Agreements with Alderan Resources Limited

Salt Lake City, August 15th, 2017 - Horn Silver Mines, Inc. (“Horn Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the company has executed Lease and Option Agreements (“Agreements”) with the US subsidiary of Alderan Resources, an Australian mining exploration company.  Subsequent to the execution of the Agreements covering the company’s mining claims in the San Francisco Mining District, Alderan has conducted a thorough review of the historical data on the area, including the results of numerous exploration efforts previously conducted on the mining claims. 

Alderan is currently conducting a high definition Induced Polarization Survey over the entire Frisco Project (approximately 15 square miles).  IP, an abbreviation for induced polarization, is a method for detecting conductive compounds beneath the surface, which can be an important component of metallic ore bodies. Additionally, an electromagnetic survey program is scheduled begin over a copper-zinc zone within the claims in late 2017 to early 2018. This geophysical work will define targets for a drilling program of up to 30,000 feet, set to begin in the fall of 2017.

 In 2016, Alderan conducted a high resolution airborne magnetic survey of the area as well as an extensive mapping and sampling program.  The results of this work were sufficiently encouraging that Alderan initiated a public offering on the Australian Stock exchange, successfully completing the offering for $8,500,000 Australian Dollars (approximately $6,800,000 USD).

Employing a district wide evaluation, classical geologic exploration methods and modern geophysical techniques, Alderan has identified three exploration prospects on the Company’s mining claims:

Cactus Canyon

Cactus Canyon is a copper-gold-silver prospect within which the airborne magnetic survey identified a number of structures that may be indicative of a porphyry copper deposit at depth. There has been historical mining in this area at the Cactus Mine, the workings of the Cactus Mine were associated with breccia zones adjacent to one of these structures.  The Cactus Canyon Area will be the focus of initial drilling.

Accrington Area

This is a copper-zinc-lead-silver-gold prospect that will be the subject of the electromagnetic survey scheduled for later this year, as well as part of the drilling program scheduled for 2017 and 2018.  This area has a significant number of mineralized workings that may indicate the potential for economic ore bodies. 

Horn Silver Area

Horn Silver Area is a zinc-lead-silver prospect in the vicinity of the historic Horn Silver Mine which was a major producer of lead, zinc and silver in the late 1800’s.

Horn Silver management is encouraged by the results of the work conducted to date as well as the extraordinary team of mining professionals Alderan has assembled to conduct these activities.  Horn Silver has provided a link to Alderan’s website and encourages Horn Silver shareholders to monitor this website for announcements of Alderan’s progress as the exploration activities are conducted and the results are reported.


About Alderan Resources Limited

Alderan is a copper explorer with a focus on the Frisco Project, located in Utah, United States of America. The Frisco Project encompasses an area of significant historical mining activity with numerous old mines and workings across an area of approximately 7km by 4km. These include:

  • The Cactus copper-gold-silver deposit and breccia pipe, one of several mineralized breccia pipes over an area of approximately 1000 m by up to 400 m. Modelling of magnetic survey data demonstrates that these pipes are likely connected at depth;

  • The Accrington copper-zinc-silver-gold skarn, which hosts extensive mineralization across an area of 1.8 km by 1.2 km; and

  • The Horn zinc deposit, a historical lead-silver mine, which contains significant amounts of unmined high grade zinc.

Alderan believes that these three deposits were formed contemporaneously with, and are genetically related to, underlying mineralized (copper-molybdenum-gold) porphyry intrusions. Work undertaken by the Alderan has confirmed the presence of a mineralized porphyry system beneath and adjacent to the Cactus breccia pipes.

For further information about Alderan Resources Ltd., please contact:

Nathan Ryan
NWR Communications
+61 3 420 582 887


Christopher Wanless
Chief Executive Officer
phone number

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